PTA Job Descriptions

  • PTA President (Executive Board)

    -Direct the affairs of the association with the other members of the executive board for the term of the office specified in the WoodCreek Jr. High PTA bylaws

    -Direct monthly board meetings

    -Direct general meetings during the year (4)

    -Attend any special meetings needed throughout the year

    -President does not have a budget

  • Treasurer (Executive Board)

    -Receive and distribute money as sent forth in the budgets

    -Maintain orderly record of financial documents and complete tax document records

    -Audit to start of the year with correct forms and documents

    -Pay bills, deposit all monies within three (3) days of receipt.

    -Run organized and efficient budget meeting committees

    -Remain up to date on bylaws and standing rules

    -Pay taxes on time

  • VP VIPS (Executive Board)

    Maintain an electronic list of all volunteers with name, contact information and preference of activity

    Lead orientation kickoff in the beginning of the school year

    -The Volunteer Coordinator will coordinate with WCJH principal and chairman of each committee to assign and fill their faculty, staff and PTA requests for volunteers

    -Contact all volunteers in a personal manner and maintain engagement to promote a relationship between PTA and volunteers.

    -Assess the need for volunteers in all areas of school

    -Provide training and guidance to all volunteers.

    -Show appreciation for volunteers

    -Report volunteer hours monthly

    -Investigate and consider additional areas for volunteer opportunities

  • Secretary (Executive Board)

    Attend Executive and General board meetings

    -Request all Plans of Work from PTA Board in the beginning of the year

    -Acquire signatures for the ethics document in the beginning of the year

    -Send meeting reminders to PTA board about meetings

    -Weekly requests for eNews from all board members and committees to submit to

    WCJH Secretary.

    -Lead the yearly ByLaws meeting to review, update and submit for approval.

    -Assist President with meetings

    -Maintain binder including Plans of Work, Ethics signatures, meeting minutes, motion documents, PTA membership lists, etc.

  • VP Membership (Executive Board)

    -Facilitate the work of the membership committee and ensures timely, accurate communication with other PTA committees and officers.

    -Collect membership dues

    -Early Bird dues for reporting members to TX PTA

    -Fall membership reporting

    -Founders Dinner

    -Attend Rally day in Austin

    -Gather a committee to select individuals for recognition by awarding TX PTA Honorary

    -Life Membership and TX PTA extended service award.

    -Report Newly elected officers to TX PTA via the local officer information form.

    -Attend summer national PTA convention, Leadership seminars, annual convention, etc.

  • VP Fundraising (Executive Board)

    -Plan and oversee fundraisers for the school

    -Raise money for programs

    -Run Fall and Spring fundraisers

    -Identify vendors

    -Identify possible donors and sponsors

    -Obtain donations via local businesses and possible corporate donations

  • Parliamentarian (Executive Board)

    -Advise the presiding officer, other officers and members of the PTA on matters of parliamentary procedures.

    -Read and study the bylaws and standing rules and Roberts Rules of order.

    -Attend all meetings.

  • VP Programs (Executive Board)

    -Responsible for PTA sponsored school programs

    -Research book and fund student programs

    -Identify grade level needs and coordinate programs. Coordinate visits for great outcome

    -Coordinate programs to support curriculum

    -Preform duties of VP as outlined by bylaws and standing rules.

  • 8th Grade Celebration

    -Plan and coordinate the year’s 8th grade celebration within the guidelines and budget put forward by TX PTA and WCJH PTA.

    -Develop and approve theme

    -Book the date with WCJH principal

    -Book venue (if appropriate), DJ, balloons, photo booth, etc

    -Lead committee meetings

    -Kickoff advertising of event

    -Print invitations

    -Coordinate ticket sales, decorations, props, snacks, drinks

    -Request donations and find sponsors

  • Workroom Coordinator

    -Help Staff with workroom requests

    -Positions and Committee Descriptions

    -Coordinate schedule for volunteers as needed

    -Maintain workroom and supplies

  • Social Media/Publicity

    -Keep parents updated on deadlines, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and to get photos and articles ab out WCJH published in local news publications.

    -Create and publish PTA Newsletter twice a month

    -Update WoodCreek JH parents and WoodCreek JH PTA Facebook pages.

    -Monitor public social media sites for inappropriate content

    -Find alternative ways to have WCJH and events known to the public and parents

  • Webmaster

    -Update and maintain the WCJH PTA website, PTA roster, calendar, Spirit Wear Shop & articles are correct.

    -Collect info from OTHS and KHS for articles

    -Maintain GoDaddy emails and monitor.

  • Fun Food Friday

    -Coordinate with WCJH principal and PTA President the dates in which Fun Food

    -Friday will occur

    -Send eNews notifications about the date of FFF with specifics of items, prices, etc.

    -Purchase items which will be offered for sale (Chick-fil-A, pizza, candies, beverages).

    -Request volunteers and organize locations of sales throughout the school.

    -Setup and Teardown on the day of event

  • Hospitality

    -Organize donations and set-up/teardown for WCJH staff hospitality events.

    -Produce 7-10 staff evetns and assist additional events as needed

    -Back to school lunch, grab and go snacks for teacher’s lounge (M&M day), pies provided to each teacher and staff for Thanksgiving, treat bags in mailboxes in conjuction with the 12 days of Christmas.

  • Library

    -Setup a schedule for shelf check and shelving

    -Coordinate with librarian when she will need volunteers

  • Spirit Wear

    -Research different vendors

    -Decide on a theme or design for the new school year’s spirit wear (with approval of WCJH principal)

    -Discuss with vendors and submit orders

    -Sell spirit wear at different events (TNT, WOW, VIPS and any other event).

    -Coordinate online sales.

  • Historian

    -Maintains a record of the activities and achievements of the PTA.

  • Reflections

    -Manages Reflections contest for our school. (The PTA's national/state arts competition.)

    -Advertises to solicit entries, coordinates judging.

  • Spirit Nights

    -Works with the area restaurants and businesses to coordinate events where PTA receives a percentage of proceeds.